Sustainable eCommerce: Eco-Friendly Practices for a Greener Future

Sustainable eCommerce

With growing environmental awareness, we are becoming familiar with several terms that include sustainability. It refers to using resources that do not harm the natural environment. When you combine sustainability and eCommerce, they indicate the optimal use of natural resources to reduce the amount of waste created.

Sustainability in eCommerce is still an alien concept. However, it is the most important requirement. Every industry should build an environment-friendly brand and fulfill the consumer’s demands. Consumers have shifted to the online platform for their requirements. Online retailing is a growing industry.

As per the prediction, it can become one of the largest industries by the end of 2027. As a booming industry, it has become essential for websites to become aware and evolve in the best way possible.

Sustainable ecommerce
Sustainable eCommerce Concept – Image Source: BigCommerce

What is Sustainable ecommerce? 

Did you know that online shopping can have a damaging impact on the environment? It impacts right from when you check out a product from the cart to the parcel reaching you at your doorstep. 

It is easier to buy a product online without realizing the aftermath of our actions.  Every business creates a certain amount of waste while working on manufacturing or packaging. That is where sustainability comes into action. 

Sustainable eCommerce refers to socially responsible online stores. It focuses on minimizing harmful practices and protecting nature. They look after the needs of the future generation by non-exhaustion of the available resources. Such eCommerce platforms avoid creating unwanted waste and reduce carbon footprint.

Every business around the globe is bound to work within a set of environmental laws. They aim to protect the surroundings and avoid unfair trade practices. Several restrictions are imposed on businesses to promote a guarded environment.

There have been cases where the manufacturing units were emitting harmful gases that caused damage to the people living nearby and polluted the entire neighborhood. Industries can leave immeasurable damage without realizing it. 

To safeguard the victims of environmental damage, the government implements a handful of regulations to look after the smooth functioning of industries. 

Why do we need sustainable e-commerce?

Millennials and Gen-Zs are the most active generation. They have the fastest purchasing power. Millennials and Gen-Zs term it “retail therapy”. These actions add more to the damage. eCommerce platforms might be unaware that the small steps taken toward sustainability can assist them in making a global change. 

However, around 40% of the operating companies lack sustainability strategies. We hear a lot of brands speaking about sustainability. However, they may not have a plan to implement them. 

We often notice irresponsible behavior from companies due to a lack of knowledge. Employees and the board of the company are unaware of the definition of sustainability which leads to the neglect of the sensitive issue.  

Environmental consciousness is a bookish concept to date. It is ignored as we do not feel its impact every day yet it can be highly threatening in the long run. Every brand must adopt an eco-friendly eCommerce business model and join hands for a better tomorrow.

How can you imagine running a business without a planet?

Every consumer and brand owner must do their part and avoid engaging in any activity that can be risky for the environment. 

There are various benefits attached to going green which include reduced production cost, improved brand image, positive public image, trendsetter, increased productivity, and fewer liabilities. With a better image between the audience, you can look forward to a loyal base of consumers which will stick around till the end. 

People are becoming socially active these days and learning a lot about their surroundings, making it easier for them to understand the pros and cons of everything they do. An eco-eCommerce retains its investors and employees by following standards and avoiding legal interventions. 

Such small initiatives can make a big difference if acted upon on time with the right strategy.

How to go towards sustainability as a brand?

Brands should make their efforts pay by opting for the required plan when needed. Below are a few steps that eCommerce platforms can adopt to become sustainable:

Plan your Inventory:

Most of the businesses overstock items which leads to more wastage. Always calculate the amount of products that can be sold.

 As we know, the impact of social media has made it easier for its consumers to switch styles every season. People usually follow trends, avoid going for old designs, and stop buying them. Such actions lead to more waste. As a business, we can take the initiative to reduce the amount of waste produced from our end by not becoming a part of mindless mass production.

Eco-friendly Packaging:

Customers have made it a habit of buying things online and it has increased the amount of waste created by the packaging. Businesses can put a stop to sh waste by using biodegradable alternatives. An eco-friendly eCommerce site can avoid using plastic and styrofoam as packaging.

Never use an oversized packaging material for a tiny product as it adds to more waste. Use size-appropriate material. We usually come across tiny paper cuttings and thermocol pieces in our packages. Such stuff creates more waste and their addition is needless.

Promote Reusing and recycling:

Promote the use of reusable raw materials with your product. An online store can introduce tote bags and reusable boxes for packaging. Brands can go creative here and use quirky bags for wrapping their products. These engaging and responsible practices can improve the overall business image and fetch a line of consumers for them. 


Choosing sustainable practices in eCommerce isn’t just a trend; it’s a responsibility. Plan, design, implement, and repeat should be every online business’s motto. Draft a plan of how creatively we can substitute the existing packaging, design the new alternative, and implement it by shipping the order in those packets. Act differently and make a difference.

Every business must act responsibly and try to become an industry leader in sustainability by setting an example. 

Kiwi Susen
An enthusiastic technophile, Kiwi Susen is a content writer with 5 years of experience in technical writing. Being raised in a technology-based family, she has always been keen on knowing about technological advancement and sharing her views on the same. Along with that, she is also, a head content editor at BlackBuck Magazine!