New Search Engine YOU.COM Trying to Take on Google? search engine

What is a search engine? A platform that allows you to get answers and queries solved within seconds (or even instantly). There are many search engines apart from Google, like DuckDuck Go, Brave, Bing, etc. And there’s a new entry in the list

For most users, Google is everything. One won’t say I want to look up the information on XYZ, he will say let’s Google XYZ and understand everything about it. However, is it about to change? The You search engine plans to take on Google with its features that are privacy-centric and a different approach to showing results.

Let’s understand more about this new search engine “”

Table of Contents

Introduction to YOU.COM Search Engine:

The You search is founded in 2020 and launched in 2021. As for who owns You search? The new You search engine has two former Salesforce employees, Bryan McCann and Richard Socher as its founders. The Salesforce founder Marc Benioff provided them with $20 million in funding for the You. 

YOU.COM is a privacy-focused search engine (pinning down the weak point of strong search engines like Google). You’s search results aren’t only about the websites or links, it believes the applications can also be a huge part of the search results.

Let’s look at the features of the search engine:

1. Get customized or personalized search results has partnered with Microsoft Bing for the search results in links. The thing that differentiates it from other search engines is its feature that allows you to add the most trustable source as your priority. 


Let’s say you trust Yelp for reviews on products and services, Wikipedia for history, BBC News for news, and Uber Eats for food delivery. 

If you search for reviews on a particular restaurant or cafe, the first result you will see will be from Yelp.

If you search about the history of the USA, the first result will show will be from Wikipedia.

All you have to do is add those websites from its app store to customize your search engine results. In the app store, you will see hundreds of applications for different niches and industries, you can customize your search result for future searches. Customize your “My preferred sources” and get trustable reviews.

In short, it provides you with customized and personalized search results.

2. Offers better privacy than Google

All new search engines target the weakest point of Google (one of the best search engine apps) – privacy. We all know, Google provides no privacy to our searches, it collects data and shows ads based on your search history. However, that’s not the case with

With You search, you can toggle on and off the private mode. And its private mode won’t even store your IP address let alone the search history.

3. Different layout of SERP

The layout of SERP in the You search engine is pretty different. The first result will be as per the preference you set. You can upvote and dislike the results and change the frequency of apps or even block them from appearing.

Then there will be other results. If you have searched “best laptops for college students,” and have set the PCMag as your preferred or trusted source, the first result in the snippet and link form will be from that. 

4. Has its own ChatGPT style chatbot

Yes, you read that right. The You search engine has launched its ChatGPT style chatbot for its search engine. You will see a YouChat toggle on the right side of the screen. Upon clicking you can text your query there and get the answers along with the links you can go through for in-detail answers.

Here I asked about the “Golden Globe 2023” and then asked, “who won the golden globe award in music?” Here’s What I got as an answer: search engine result

5. Has a sidebar filled with different features for all and Me.

On the left side of the screen on SERP, you will see a list of features where first, there’s All (links, websites, apps, etc.), then chat, images, videos, news, and maps. 

After that, there’s a section “For Me.” It has options like 

  • Write (AI writing tool), 
  • Code (gives out code for any query), 
  • Imagine (AI image generator), 
  • Study (will show information results on search topic), 
  • Social (will showcase social media posts on a related subject), and 
  • Shopping (will show shopping-related quick links for the same search query).

FAQs on Search Engine

1. What is the most unknown search engine?

There are many unknown search engines available (but surely You is not among them), and they are Shodan, TinEye, elgooG, Ecosia, FindSounds, DogPile, and Million Short.

2. What is the most trusted search engine?

The most trusted search engine is Google and there’s no doubt about that. It holds 80% of the search market share and 95% of mobile traffic.

Conclusion on

The You search engine is still new in the market, but within two years, it has gained a handful of loyal customers. The features it has now, surely describe its slogan, “The AI Search Engine You Control.” You can literally control a search engine and not the other way around. 

There are multiple downsides of the You search engine as well. The reason being it is still in development. The founder of You states, “We’re thinking about not just a search engine, but ultimately, a do engine. And also, it is not as all-purpose as Google.”

For more articles on technological advancement and its information, stay tuned to BlackBuck Magazine.

Karuna Shah
With her huge experience in content writing, she has been a regular author at BlackBuck Magazine. She already has a story published in an anthology book and will be soon getting published her own book too. Apart from that, she is a businesswoman, exploring her business skills and managing work and household together!